My Buddy (who I named Uncle John), a relic from my school days at the Institute of Therapeutic Massage in Pompton Lakes, NJ.
I began my professional career as a massage therapist in October, 2006. I took a leap of faith and opened my own small practice immediately after completing my certification at the Institute for Therapeutic Massage in Pompton Lakes, NJ. I became a therapist not only because I found that I was really passionate about helping people, I knew that from personal experience, massage actually works.
As a former gymnast, I suffered from partial rotator cuff tears in both shoulders, as well as disc herniation of the lumbar spine. After several cortisone shots, physical therapy and the threat of surgery, I decided to take the advice of a friend and try her massage therapist who specialized in deep tissue, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release (I didn't even know other massage modalities existed other than Swedish!). After a few sessions, along with physical therapy and being vigilant about maintaining my stretching and exercise routine at home, I began to feel about 100% better. The pain was almost gone, I gained strength, function, and flexibility. Beyond that, due to less pain, I slept better, and was able to function more efficiently at work and at home. Most importantly, my quality of life improved!
DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE! On December 20, 2019, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver. My car was hung up on a guardrail, teetering over a 60ft embankment. The dashboard was embedded in my legs, and it took over an hour to extract me from the wreckage.
I also enjoyed working as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer for almost 20 years, but due to a near-fatal car accident in December 2019, that part of my life changed forever. The injuries from my accident were extensive: compound fractures of both femurs, broken right foot and ankle, broken left forearm, severely sprained right hand, a few broken ribs, and a mild concussion. My recovery was long and hard, but no where’s near what doctors predicted. Besides the immense love and support from family, friends and community, I give credit to always staying active, ESPECIALLY practicing yoga for so many years.
After I got home from the hospital, my routine consisted of intense physical therapy, massage therapy, and maintaining my own intense, daily exercise schedule at home. I still see a massage therapist regularly, as well as do some form of exercise pretty much every single day. I can truly attest that combining regular movement and massage therapy played a huge role in my healing process!
A little over 7 months after the accident (and after Covid restrictions were lifted), I happily went back to my massage practice. The quality of my work has not been affected (I actually feel stronger than ever in some ways), but I am very aware of not pushing myself too hard and taking extra good care of myself these days.
The challenges I went through has made me a more compassionate therapist. Being educated about the body and having years of hands-on experience may have helped me become more of an expert in my field, but actually experiencing the recovery process both physically and mentally is the real school of hard-knox!
WWW.CRANKYYOGA.COM- Attire made to inspire!
I believe that something good can come out of a bad situation. My healing journey inspired me to open up a new business called Cranky Yoga, which features T-shirts, tanks, sweatshirts, etc., with an “expressive” skeleton with broken legs in various yoga poses and humorous quotes. Despite the paradoxical name of my new business, my mission is to help inspire people to KEEP MOVING FORWARD, NO MATTER WHAT!
For more information please check out my website:!
2006 graduate from the Institute for Therapeutic Massage in Pompton Lakes, NJ.
Continuing Education includes trigger point therapy, deep tissue, acupressure, myofascial release, positional release therapy, muscle energy techniques, pregnancy, reflexology, sports massage, massage for cancer and hospice patients, palliative care and manual lymph drainage.
Certified through Athletic and Fitness Association of America as a group fitness instructor since 2000, and personal trainer since 2003.
Certified Natural Health Professional and Natural Health Specialist through Trinity School of Natural Health, 2017.
Certified in Manual Lymph Drainage, (Bachelor’s Level); The Vodder Method, The Manual Lymph Drainage Institute International.
Certified Yoga Instructor since 2012.
Continuous study in Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga Therapy at the Himalayan Institute, Honesdale PA
Continuing education includes workshops taken with the Institute for Brain Potential to keep up with the latest research regarding the effects of nutrition and exercise on the brain, as well as studies in human behavior.
Opened first Massage Therapy office in Sparta, NJ in 2006; relocated in Dingmans Ferry, PA in 2011.
Member of American Bodywork and Massage Professionals, American Massage Therapy Association, American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and Yoga Alliance.
Board Certified with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).
WARRIOR POSE: I am grounded, strong and powerful!